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State-of-the-Art Diagnostic Technology

Our fully automatic veterinary chemistry analyser and veterinary haematology analyser provide accurate and reliable diagnostic results in no time.

Welcome to Byovet

Welcome to BYOVET Medical & Technologies, the leading provider of veterinary diagnostic solutions in India. We are proud to be the fastest growing company in the industry, thanks to our commitment to quality, affordability, and innovation.


At BYOVET, we understand the importance of accurate and timely diagnostic results in veterinary care. That's why we offer a wide range of diagnostic products and solutions, including our fully automatic veterinary chemistry analyser and veterinary haematology analyser. Our products are locally manufactured, making us a unique and economical choice for veterinary diagnostics in India.




Our Products


5 Part Veterinary Hematology Analyser

Rs.40/- per CBC

Veterinary specific with 13 different species and 4 customizable species for wild animals

Accurate and Reliable with excellent reproducibility

Result in One minute

29 Reportable Parameters + 2 Histograms & 2 Scattergrams (WBC, LYM#, MON#, NEU#, EOS#, BAS#, LYM%, MON%, NEU%, EOS%, BAS%, RBC, HGB, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW-CV, RDW-SD, PLT, MPV, PDW, PCT, P-LCR, P-LCC, Research Parameters: ALY%, ALY#, IG%, IG# and 2 Histograms + 2 Scattergrams)

Needs only 10uL of whole blood

Built in printer

How Are We Contributing

India is home to a vast and diverse range of animal species, from cows and goats to dogs and cats. As such, there is a great need for high-quality veterinary diagnostic solutions to ensure the health and well-being of these animals. Unfortunately, many veterinary hospitals in India face significant challenges in providing the best possible care, such as limited resources, lack of trained professionals, and outdated diagnostic equipment. This is where BYOVET Medical & Technologies comes in.


Our locally manufactured diagnostic products, including the fully automatic veterinary chemistry analyser and veterinary haematology analyser, offer accurate and reliable results at an affordable price, enabling veterinarians to provide the best possible care for their patients. With our commitment to innovation, affordability, and quality, we are helping to address the challenges faced by veterinary hospitals in India and empower animal health across the country.

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